Saturday, 10 March 2012


I have downloaded and tried many of the programs I found in this page.. Even though I was hoping to work with TreeView and figure things out.. Treeview wasn't very friendly to me. I tried to follow the instructions given in the manual and while I was trying to make a taxon list and load it to the program, I would always get an error for some reason. I also tried to paste a nexus script example, but still wasn't working. I uninstalled the program and installed it back again...nothing. So, I gave up and looked for something else. Then I worked a bit with NDE, but I couldn't really understand what was it producing.
Ahhh... ok lets take it from the start. I am forgetting what I have done in the first place while I search stuff, get lost from one link to another, stick on errors and then can't remember where I began from. First step: BLASTING the Cricetidae family.. We're getting a good looking result, but it's not what we need..I feel lost, need to revise my course notes again.

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